Diocesan Commissions
Fr. David Dalitso Gowelo, CMM, Dumisa Mission, Cell: +27 72 020 3424, ddgowelocmm@gmail.com
Pontifical Mission Societies - PMS:
Rev. Fr. Albony Mbekezeli Zamisa, P.O. Box 332, Harding 4680. Cell: 072 792 0088. Email: bishopsoffice@telkomsa.net
Lenten Appeal:
Mr. Sipho Mhlongo, P.O. Box 332, Harding, 4680. Email: bishopsoffice@telkomsa.net, tel: 039 433 1421
Diocesan Vocations Promoter/Seminarians Formation:
Rev. Fr. Siyabonga Thadeus Magcaba, St Martin de Porres, Gamalakhe. PO Box 206, Izotsha 4242, Tel: 039 3182 461, Cell: 071 511 3526, E-mail: thadeusmagcaba@gmail.com
Catechetical Formation Commission:
Rev. Fr. Siyabonga Thadeus Magcaba. St Martin de Porres, Gamalakhe. PO Box 206, Izotsha 4242, Tel: 039 3182 461, Cell: 071 511 3526, E-mail: thadeusmagcaba@gmail.com
Liturgical Formation Commission:
Rev. Fr. SIYABONGA NOMBIKA. St Monica - Jericho Mission, Cell: 071 432 1235, email: siyanombika@gmail.com
CHOIRS: Rev. Fr. Albony Mbekezeli Zamisa, St. Conrad Parish, KwaMtwane, PO Box 294, Harding 4680.. Cell: 072 792 0088. Email: albonyzamisa@yahoo.com
Altar Servers:
Fr. Siyabonga Henry Nombika, 071 432 1235, email: siyanombika@gmail.com
Youth Formation Commission:
Rev. Fr. Mehluleli Advocate Dzanibe. Christ Alpha and Omega Parish, cell: 078 472 2576, email: mehluleliadvo@gmail.com
Deanery Youth Chaplains:
Southern Deanery: Fr. Mthokozisi Innocent Kumalo, CMM
Northern Deanery: Fr Mehluleli Advocate Dzanibe
Marriage and Family Life Desk:
Catholic Education Pastoral Care Commission:
Coordinator: Sr Lidia Potocka, PO Box 1825, Port Shepstone 4240. Tel: 039 682 4105, Fax: 039 682 0524, cell: 072 587 6362, E-mail: conventps1@gmail.com
Spiritual director: Rev. Fr. Michal Wojciechowski, PO Box 593, Umzimkulu 3297, Cell: 087 8028 388,
082 427 4062 E-mail: michalwojciechowski3@gmail.com