Support for Umzimkulu Diocese Seminarians' Education and Formation

The People and the Bishop of Umzimkulu Diocese appeal to all People of Good Will to support us in Education and Formation of young men - seminarians to become the Priests and Shepherds of our Local Community. The diocese on its own is not able to raise all the funds required for the education. Fees and other expenses sum up to R60 000.00 =
$ 5000.00 per year per person. If anyone is willing to share God's gift of material prosperity with us to build up the local Church and be the part of mission work - please deposit your gift into the following account:
Bank: First National Bank
Account Name: Diocese of Umzimkulu,
Account Number: 61240009757
Branch code: 220123, Harding
Type: Call account
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ, South Africa
contact us using
e-mail: umzimkuludiocese@gmail.com

For those who are living in the United States of America, there is an easier way to support the mission work in Umzimkulu Diocese. You can send your Donation to American Czestochowa to the following address:
Pauline Fathers
PO Box 2049
Doylestown, PA 18901
Tel: (215) 345 0600
Please write the note: for the mission work in Diocese of Umzimkulu